Love, Sex and Romance

The racial behaviors towards different sexual identities still exist in most corners of the world which have found to be a very bad impact on the ways people experience love, sex and romance and how they construct “acceptable” or “unacceptable” performances of sex, love and romance. It has been seen through the history of sexuality that homosexuals have been victimized of sexual oppression and wherever found, were sanctioned to ghetto by the sex-law (Rubin 1993). This is because false judgments have been made on them and so they often treated with disrespect in the early 70s and 80s, but after massive campaigns to give homosexuals equal rights as that of heterosexuals, they were given respect as a result and now they are not ashamed of their identity as a “Lesbian” or “gay”, I think this was a healthy move of legislative structure, as massive homosexual population now don’t need to hide in a ROOM just to satisfy their inner-natural needs.
Social Construction Theory entertains homosexuals and discourages narrow-mindedness of the society towards gay/lesbian identity. (Vance 1989: 169). It defends the ways people experience sex, love, and romance and construct acceptable and unacceptable performances of love, sex and romance, as this theory dictates the interests of lesbians and gay people in a political process. In many cultures and Religions, heterosexuality predominates and attacks have been made to the homosexual minorities. People need to realize that the homosexual approach is almost similar to the feminist approach as this has been given an open platform that female has equal rights as that of male members of the society, likewise “homosexuals” also have equal rights as that of “heterosexuals”.
An organized curriculum about sex education should be devised in public schools to educate young students how to face the danger of their own sexual thoughts, also to protect themselves from the erotic and horny neighbors, relatives and anyone from the surroundings known and not known to them. (Garcia 2012). Latina girls sharing their experiences in a 1 hour workshop revealing that the sex educators think the girls are heterosexuals and shaming them if they found to possess different identity, which lasts a negative impact on the way they experience love, sex, and romance and construct acceptable or unacceptable performances of love, sex, and romance. According to sex education curricula, young girls should be taught to be confident of what identity they possess because their emotions and their body are their own property and no one can pass judgmental comments on young girls specifically from 6th to 8th grades students about their feelings of love to the same gender, as people often mislead the word “love” with the word “lust” just because they adhere to their thinking that such feelings are unnatural and have no cultural origin in the earliest history of sexuality.
A woman is labeled as a slut just because she chooses to move her hips in an unordinary way or move her breast or to put a tattoo on it. She can put sharp makeup and heavy jewelry to look stylish in her own way. It does not define her identity as a “prostitute” or “slut” who does such acts for lust and money. (Hernandez 2009). Latina body makes a girl to be called as “Chonga girl”. It’s her own choice to perform on chongalicious song that seems ridiculous to people who watch such girls dancing their booties on the beats. This offends people to such extent that they want to kill such type of girls as they think such girls are signs of disgrace and defaming their county by publicizing their acts on social media sites. What I perceived from this study is that people should give chonga girls (who seduce people from their obscene gestures and sexy appearance) space to live their lives as they want, as it is just the different way to experience and to construct the experience of love, sex and romance.
Conclusion: Multiple sexual identities just have the different lifestyles individuals adopt, just to keep their souls content and happy. Leave them breathing in an environment of “Equality” and “Justice” and let them experience love, sex and romance as the way they want. As everyone needs positivity from it’s surrounding.


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